About us and this Website

Prof. Horikawa and his seminar
Department of Sociology,
Hosei University (Tokyo, Japan)

堀川ゼミと堀川教授のサイトですAbout this Website

・“Say it with data.”(データをもって語ろう)をモットーに,現場でのフィールドワークを重ねながら都市環境問題の分析を行っています。

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著作権保有 © 1997-2024年,堀川三郎. 不許複製.

About this Website

The site is about the Professor and his seminar: an environmental and urban sociologist Prof. Saburo Horikawa (also known as Sab Horikawa), his seminar and its students at Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan.

Hosei University was founded in Tokyo in 1880, and is now 144 years old. The Department of Sociology, where Prof. Horikawa teaches, was established in 1952. As the Department celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2022, we are proud to say that the Department is the oldest of its kind in Japanese private universities. Dr. Horikawa joined the Hosei faculty in 1997.

All photographs taken by Saburo Horikawa, unless otherwise noted.

No part of this website may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Prof. Saburo Horikawa.

The Seminar logo, the website, and the 70th anniversary logo design: Saburo HORIKAWA

The Horikawa Seminar
Department of Sociology, Hosei University
4342 Aiharamachi, Machida-shi,
Tokyo, 194-0298, Japan

Copyright © 1997-2024 by Saburo HORIKAWA. All rights reserved.